Thursday, September 19, 2013

The male gaze is pervasive in art and popular culture today due to the necessities of men to be the controlling power in society stemming from the beginning of time.  Men throughout every time period and social structure to date have put down women as being inferior. The main purpose given to women by men is to accompany them threw life and raise children. Women have always been limited by the male gaze and the scrutiny placed upon them by men.

This is also true when it comes to art. Women in art are only appreciated due to their appearance; unlike men in art which are celebrated for their achievements and adored for their importance in their society. Women subsequently fall into acceptance of what they are deemed important for. Berger simplifies this ideology when he says,  “men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves" (47). Women in essence contribute to the spread of the ideology of the male gaze and put themselves at a social disadvantage.

The oppositional gaze therefore came about as a rebellion of the male gaze. Women during the Renissance began to strive for education and social status more than just beauty. During this period women became nuns and began to explore through books on medicine, science, and sacred music (Guerilla Girls, 22). As you may imagine men took notice and immediately began to deauthorize women access to these social expressions.

Society has always portrayed these essentials which are not easily forgotten. Many people are making really strong efforts to change these gender based views and make a more equal sense between men and women, but in actuality these aspirations are very far off in todays society. Little by little the male gaze may be undone and equality may be possible someday in the future of our society


  1. Interesting, thought a quote from Bell Hooks would have pulled it all together.

  2. I enjoyed the post especially that you and me share interest in the quote by Berger, I agree that even today women feel the necessity to appear instead of act and that must be changed for equality sake.

  3. Nice job. The points you made are nice. The overall post is interesting. I would have loved for you to add your own experiences though in order to get a full perspective. Still, great job.

  4. Great article. I wonder- if women tried to rebel the male gaze now, would men deauthorize women from the same social expressions? Food for thought.

  5. A great piece, some quotes from Bell Hooks wouldve been good though, along with a general comparison of similarities and differences in both articles

  6. I agree on the part where you mention how women are portrayed in art as which there roles are as a women in their society during that time period, whereas men are seen for their accomplishments. I believe gratefully for these portraits of women working in the household, and whatever it is they were doing in these portraits tells a lot about the time period and how far women have came referring to roles in the household and how women saw themselves and each other.
