Friday, November 15, 2013

Proposal for Women Rights and Titles!

Women being called sluts, whores, and bitches is what is portrayed through media/films.  The transition of women role's in the household and in the working world has changed drastically during the 19th century, but has left women in a negative and positive outcome.  Women have more rights nowadays rather than for example.", the Renaissance Era, whereas women were limited to what may become of them.

   As a couple Yoko Ono and John Lennon have stood for women's liberation, and political topics and disagreed on war such as the one that was presently in Vietnam.  Each with their one artistic ways have touched upon sending the message of equality, and how society portrayed women.  Moreover,  Yoko Ono and John Lennon have contributed a great step to help the world understand and to potentially push improving equality, especially women's rights. 

I'm going to touch upon how the TV show "I Love Lucy", and the film, "Easy A, 2010" portray the women in the household and how it feels for a women to be called a slut, ex


  1. Since you mentioned yoko and john maybe you would like to look at the women and their spouses, for instance Lucille Ball was a studio executive and nothing went on her show without her say so and Desi was world known before her as a band leader, these facts maybe influential on how they talk about women on I love Lucy

  2. I suggest you also look at the article for next week "Why have there been no great women artists" to help you hash out your idea thoroughly, especially the historical context of the white Western male viewpoint and how we are programmed to unconsciously accept in as our viewpoint, as natural. Good luck

  3. I really like the idea of presenting for women have been degraded by society throughout the years. You should look into the movie "For Colored Girls" where it shows a lot of women discrimination.

  4. I like the idea and what you are going to touch upon. I'm just not sure as to how you are going to display it. With the mention of the media I would think a video would suit you best. Just something to think about moving forward.

  5. Although you failed to mention what format you are developing your project, I think that if you continue to develop this notion of not only female sexuality, but human sexuality in general, you can establish a great theme for your project. For your research you may want to look into the Sex Liberation Movement for a historic context, and for a more current context look into the anti-slut shaming moment.

  6. The idea's awesome and as Neil mentioned, it would come out great as a video. I think it would be good to show the degradation of women through language as opposed to that of men in comparison to sort of emphasize the vitality of your point.

  7. Considering you're focusing on media as Neila and Tehreem said, I wonder if you're going to present a video format? I think this project idea is pretty good but want to see a little more expansion? I know there's more you can add to this proposal which I feel you left unsaid. As Rabab pointed out, you can look into the context of the anti-slut shaming movements. There was one in Philly back in October which they changed in regards to name. I can link you to it soon. :) I'll be back to post more. Haha.

  8. What form will your project be in? It sounds interesting and I definitely think that a woman's response to "I Love Lucy" in 2013 would be an interesting take. Good luck with your project.
