Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Class project

     For my class project, I am making a blog based on Pablo Picasso. Despite being one the greatest artists in modern history, he was a chauvinistic pig to say the least. His attitude and treatment of women left a lot to be desired.
    This project is for all the women who've been denied a fair opportunity due to their gender, and have lost out to a man who was less qualified but got the chance because of his gender. My message is talent is gender neutral. Professionally I would aspire to work with the most talented people in my field and if gender barriers still exist, I may never fulfill that dream. I would like my portfolio to highlight that I am an opened minded person.

   " the guerilla girls" Beside companion to the history of western art.

1 comment:

  1. You must concentrate on scholarship and research. At this point you have really zerop research here to substantiate any argument. Be sure to find multiple sources and points of view to help make the argument you have outlined here. This proposal is very very slim. Please be sure to spend a good amount of time researching and discovering the technology and the culture of blogging in order to fully develop this project.
