Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Summary of Semester Project

 In class we have gone over numerous examples where women have been discriminated in the art world. Not only through paintings made by men, but also through women trying to be artists and being rejected repeatedly in the art world. The image of a woman has always been correlated to ‘perfection.’ However, perfection in a woman is only attainable through imagination. The male gaze has had a powerful impact on women for many centuries and it is still present in the contemporary world. An immediate image that comes to mind is the painting “Susanna and The Elders,” by both Tintoretto (left) and Artemisia Gentileschi (right).

The contrasts in these paintings are evident for the mere fact that in one painting the woman is approving the male gaze, whereas in the other she is forcefully rejecting it. Men were more likely to draw paintings where women engaging with them. Chadwick states“… Tintoretto’s version of 1555-56, points to the theme as reinforcing social ideologies of masculine dominance and female subordination” (Chadwick 108). Gentileschi went against his beliefs and recreated the image in her perspective. Chadwick adds, “Gentileschi’s ability to transform the conventions of seventeenth century painting in ways that would ultimately give new content to the imagery of the female figure” (Chadwick 109). The female image has always been viewed as a sex symbol for men. Men would paint these images for their own self-satisfaction, which explains why the female image usually comes off as engaging in these paintings. Women never had a say in this because they were not granted that right, instead they were painted as if they were the ones looking for the attention by men.

In a famous T.V show “What Would You Do?” they show a case where a contemporary employer meets with a woman for an interview and totally bashes her for being a woman. Two women sitting at the next table overhear their conversation and advise the woman to leave for the sake of her dignity.
Although it is a T.V show, unfortunately cases like this have happened before. That is why it is now illegal to be discriminatory when interviewing civilians. However, just like how blacks were still being discriminated by society even after they were abolished from slavery, is the same way women have suffered going through discrimination in the division of labor.

            Overall, the female civil rights movement has come a long way, but it is still unfortunate to say that there is still more to be done. Women are still being taunted by the male gaze and it has impacted them throughout all these years. We see more of that effect in the contemporary world through social media and popular culture. Moreover, women are still being discriminated by men. The famous rapper Tupac once dedicated a song to those women who have been discriminated. He states, “And since we all came from a woman, got our name from a woman and our game from a woman. I wonder why we take from our women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it's time to kill for our women, time to heal our women, be real to our women” (Song - Keep your head up). This quote really sums up by beliefs on how women should be treated. Through unity and motivation, women will one day overcome all the differences society puts them against and accomplish equality with men. 

I have created a Facebook page about Women Discrimination. Please Like and Follow: https://www.facebook.com/womenagainstdiscrimination?ref=hl

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