Saturday, December 7, 2013

Final Project: South Korea's Plastic Surgery Madness

For my semester project I decided to focus on the issue with women in South Korea and plastic surgery. Women in Korea all want to look the same (v-shaped jawline, big eyes, sharp nose, white skin). They crave the male gaze because they want attention.
I made a video, which was basically putting things together to explain the issue with plastic surgery in Korea. I wanted to do my project based on this topic because in the future I wish to be a counselor and I think it will give me ideas on why people have low self-esteem and a negative perspective on themselves.
The main audience that I am making this for are the people who believe that they are unworthy and believe that plastic surgery is the answer. Therefore, I am making this project because I want to send a message that everyone is beautiful in their own way. I also want to make a change in media, especially in South Korea because they tend to choose looks over talent in most cases. I think that they should take them in for their talent, not the way they look.

"Gangnam Style TOP Plastic Surgery, Best Before and After - South KOREA SEOUL."YouTube. YouTube, 24 Oct. 2012. Web. 16 Dec. 2013.
Sloan, Jacob. "Plastic Surgery To Create A Permanent Smile Debuts In South Korea."Disinformation. N.p., 02 Sept. 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.
"Along the Lines of Beauty." YouTube. YouTube, 13 June 2011. Web. 16 Dec. 2013.

"Cosmetic Procedures Gone Wrong." YouTube. YouTube, 06 Oct. 2010. Web. 16 Dec. 2013.

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