Thursday, November 14, 2013

Project Proposal

I would like to see my project "live" on in the form of a blog.  The idea is to have a women focused online community center showcasing women and their work.  The inspiration for my blog is Ms. magazine and the many talented women I have come to know in my life and community.  I want this blog to pay homage to their achievements and to promote their work and causes. I would also like my blog to influence, inspire, and empower young women and girls with the intent of exposing them to positive, optimistic examples of female roles in society.  Initially,the posts will reflect progressive images of women and young girls in my immediate community, I believe that showcasing images of  accessible women that they may know can be very powerful. In addition, I would like to see the blog as a collaboration that contains posts and pieces from various participants.  As the blog develops, I also envision it to become a global community center as well, promoting awareness and activism relating to women's issues abroad. 
Topics of interest that will be discussed and promoted include but are not limited to women artists, academic and professional achievements of women, spotlights on women owned businesses, and women's events.


  1. I certainly agree with you showcasing images of accessible women to empower young girls, especially the collaboration piece of it. How or will the girls be able to converse with the women at any point. Will there be opportunity for dialogue between the talented women and the girls?

  2. I am still flushing this out and the issue of dialogue was concerning me. I was thinking of starting a group with an art therapist friend. The group would be open to the public and participants could think tank and then be invited in to post similar to how we set up the class....

  3. The blog sounds very interesting and might potentially become one of the many activists blogs I would love to visit every once in a while. Would be awesome if a discussion board or something similar could be added for debates on relevant topics :)

  4. You have something great on your hands here and the idea is great... the young girls coming of age/ woman of age needs empowerment and some guidance. This blog can become a safe haven for many.
